Help us reach 1 million acts of kindness

Be the Catalyst for Changed Lives!

Dear our beloved donors,

Thank you for visiting our fundraising page! I hope you will support us in our cause by making a donation.

Donating is really simple and secure. The money will directly go to GEM New Start Centre Limited.
Though it has been said that we are all products of our environment, there have also been success stories of transformed lives such as a young girl who grew up in a troubled home but underwent a positive change in her self-belief and learn to always stand up for herself or to only date people who shower her with love and care.

Here in GEM, we have a group of dedicated staff and volunteers who truly believe that every girl, regardless of her background, has the potential to shine and realize her full purpose in life. It is our desire to see individuals being empowered and capable of making responsible decisions for their future.

Most of our girls may come from families fraught with problems and whose parents had been incapable of ensuring their physical and emotional well-being. They grow up with poor self-esteem or wrong values and end up searching for love and security in the wrong place and making unhealthy choices in life. Without intervention, this vicious cycle will tend to repeat itself in the next and following generations.

Our home is designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the girls as they undergo the restorative and rehabilitation programme at our centre. A transformed life carries the effect of change back to their families and that means a family is restored and relationships reconciled.

By simply donating and giving to our cause, you can also be that #catalystforchangedlives alongside us in giving these girls a new start in life!

How your donation makes a difference?

$10-will help provide one woman-in-need(WINner) with two meals.

$50-will help cover the essential needs of a WINner for one month.

$100-will help to cover the skills training cost of a WINner for one month.

$200-Thank you for your generosity and support towards the work of GEM in helping the women-in-need (WINner) find value in womanhood and a purpose in life. May God Bless You richly.

Who is GEM New Start Centre

GEM NEW START CENTRE was set up in August 2011 out of compassion to reach out to hurting girls and women-in-need (WINner)who have lost purpose in life due to life setbacks due to the wrong choices they have made in their past.

We strongly believe that every WIN can become a valuable, GRACEFUL & EMPOWERED MASTERPIECE (GEM) and they can rise above their situation and be a winner in life
Be the Catalyst for Changed Lives!
+ 33 givers have donated to this campaign
This campaign has ended.

S$11,636 Raised

Of S$75,000 Goal

from 33 Givers

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About GEM New Start Centre Limited

GEM New Start Centre Limited is a non-profit organisation with IPC status in Singapore, that reaches out to female youths age 18 – 25 years, who experienced psychological distress,... LEARN MORE GEMNewstart +6562663302
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